dReview’s diary

I am a designer and sometimes I also participate in evaluating some digital products if the product is really good

Engagermate Review



Instagram accounts are a good source of additional cash, especially from brands that want to advertise on popular accounts. And the most important statistic that these brands search for is the number of people who follow your account. The more followers you have, the more likely you are to attract popular advertising brands.

I have to say - using Engagermate in just 3 short days (on slow settings) I was able to add 93 new followers to my account and amass a lot of likes, comments and even one Traffic numbers to my site. Again, this is the SLOW installation because this is the first time I use the software and I want to make it easy.

On Instagram, the number of followers you have is proportional to the trust factor of a person with your brand. Most trusted big brands have a significant number of followers for their accounts. These new followers are more likely to buy one or two services from your site.

And Instagram is definitely something I will use more and more seriously in the future - all because of Luke Maguire & Engagermate!

Let me introduce you more about Engagermate.


Vendor: Luke Maguire
Product: Engagermate
Launch date: 2019 – May – 01
Launch time: 9:00 EDT
Front-end Price: $67
Salepage: https://www.engagermate.com/
Niche: Social Software

How does Engagermate work?

This is I use it VERY easy with the software. I have left my Instagram account alone, no new posts, comments, etc. to make sure the plugins are ALL from the software and not from my tracking or comment on my post. People manually.

The software runs on THEIR website for you, it tracks people and likes their photos based on hashtag or username InstaGram you enter before starting the software.

You choose your speed; Beginners, slow, medium or fast - this determines how fast the software runs for you. Obviously when you follow people and like their photos, you will regain your followers. This is exactly how the software works and it even allows you UN-FOLLOW who are added to the software. You can choose to unfollow all of them after tracking or simply cancel following them if they don't follow up again.
Primary: 369 Following | 502 likes
Slow: 502 Followed | 966 likes
Normal: 966 Following | 1104 likes
Quick: 1104 Followed | 1302 likes
Choose people to follow and photos to like based on the hashtag involved. (Example: #marketing, #googlesearch, #seoprobols)
Choose to follow RECENT followers from another InstaGram profile
Choose to follow people who like recent profile photos.
For example:

In the first two steps, I can choose to follow people and like photos based on the hashtag #marketing, #FaceBookAds, #INETMarketing.
In the second two steps, I can choose a recent AFTER track of a person and keep track of recent people who like their photos.
Next, you select some MINOR details (such as just liking new photos, minimum and maximum likes on photos you like, etc.) and clicking start service start.
That's it - it runs in the background, reports daily statistics and you see your followers being added in real time in your own account or account.

Anyway - Engagermate is NOT just software, it also comes with some of the BEST Instagram training courses to develop the tribe of followers you've ever seen!


My feeling about Engagermate.

Anyway, Engagermate is just a simple job, time. I have used it for 15 days and as you can see I have added about 850-1000 TRUE followers to my account so far. They not only track me but also many of them LIKE my photos, click my links to visit my website, etc. (Why? Because they are highly targeted!)

AND to show that I have used the software for this, I DO NOT get any new photos or do anything manually with InstaGram since I started using the tool. My followers and new likes are 100% results of my use of Engagermate.

Follow up some of my other quality Engagermate reviews:






